UI History Timeline Project
Project Prompt: History can be boring, and technology can be uninteresting. Combine them, and it can be a snoozefest. I am here to make sure that does not happen. After all, it is a matter of perspective. Move your intellectual position until you see any topic in a new light, one that favors your interests. In our case, to be specific, it is design, user interface design (UI).
The history of UI design is a critical base from which we can extend ourselves to understand better how we got here and where we choose to go next! Your project should be driven by the graphics you create, but that can be balanced with your creative use of typography. You have two weeks. Use them wisely.
Learning Outcomes
The history of UI
User experience design basics
User interface design basics
Figma basics
Figjam basics
Project Steps
Step 01: Visualize UI History – Research
Step 02: Visualize UI History – UI Designs
Step 03: Visualize UI History – Prototyping
Original Sketches - Candy Land Theme
Original Hi-Fis - Candy Land Theme
Draft 1 - Candy Land Theme
Draft 2 - Candy Land Theme
Draft 3 - Candy Land Theme
Final - Changed to comic/pop art theme!
Style Guide -
Presentation -